Are you ghosting your prospective members?

You work hard (and spend good money) to generate leads for your flexible office space.

You might:

  • Create engaging, SEO-optimized blog content.
  • Have an outstanding, value-driven email newsletter.
  • Run Google Ads
  • Invest in social media ads.
  • Host events in your space.
  • Collect testimonials and ask members for referrals.
  • Put time and effort into keeping up your social media channels.

But what happens when you finally get people through your doors?

In many cases, people sign up after the first tour. Mission accomplished.

But others won’t.

That doesn’t mean they’ll never become a member. In fact, Hubspot has found that 50% of leads are qualified but not yet ready to buy.

So, why would you give up on keeping in touch with them?

Lead nurturing is one of the most commonly-missed opportunities I see among flexible office space operators.

Rather than ghosting your prospective members, put your follow-up on autopilot by creating automated email sequences.

Here’s a simple framework to follow:

Step 1: Segment your leads

Group your leads based on certain criteria such as their source (things like website, event, or referral), their interest level, or the type of membership they’re interested in. This allows you to tailor your email sequences to the specific needs and interests of different lead groups.

Step 2: Create a preliminary email

The first email should serve to keep the lines of communication open by thanking them for their interest and offering to answer any questions they might’ve had.

Step 3: Develop a series of follow-up emails

Map out a sequence of brief emails to automatically send over a period of days or weeks.

These can include:

  • Friendly, low-pressure emails to check in with your audience and see if they’re interested or have questions you can answer
  • Information on flexible office space, the benefits of your space, or industry trends
  • Highlights of your space's unique amenities and services
  • Success stories or testimonials from happy members
  • Discounts or promotional offers on the type of membership they were interested in to encourage consideration

Step 4: Set triggers for each email

Use your email marketing software to set triggers for each email based on time.

For example, your preliminary email could go out the same day as their tour. Then, the subsequent email could go out two days later followed by weekly emails for a period of four weeks.

Alternatively, your automated emails could be triggered by actions, such as when the recipient clicks a link in a previous email.

Getting new leads isn’t easy. So, don’t just forget about them if they don’t become members right away.

Setting up these types of automated email sequences can both weed out unqualified leads and support the potential that qualified ones will become members down the line.